Roll Down
Directed by Sophie Pouderoux and Matthieu Bégel

The scene takes place on a rooftop in Hamburg, city linked to the last G20, they seek to change the world … Discussion around a plan? business? traffic? … we do not really know what it is. We discover 2 types who become aware of the decline of their planet and the death of bees! Meanwhile another guy shows up, nobody pays attention to him, he goes to the edge of the roof to end these days … Roll Down is the first of a series of films: in the form of a stage, 2 or 3 characters max, a story that does not really make sense, absurd and offbeat. Talk about the absurdity of our society: between a society in depression and the desire to change the world. People are unhappy and the bees are dying. « Save humanity » but forget the helplessness of one man …

Camera Blackmagic URSA mini 4k
Optiques Xeen
Direction photo: Matthieu Bégel
Prise de son: Johnny Ruesch
Edit: Shahin Shokoui
Music: Stoo
Sophie Pouderoux
Heidi Loukoum
Sandra Bourdonnec
Oleg et David
Ali Fard
Shahin Shokoui
Paul Riemann
Tournage: Hambourg, Germany
Production: Bretzel Film – HKK.
4 min / Anglais – Allemand.